إليكم قصيدتي
نضج الطفل
نضج الطفل وصار الآن خيال
هم أهل المدينة وأصحاب الديار
هم السادة رغم أنف الضلال
هم أهل الشام هم الأخيار
هم للواء قد أعدوا الرجال
فاستحقوا الخير بعد الانكسار
أيها المرجفون دون الرجال
أين كنتم حين تشرد الصغار ؟
بل قتلوا وسجنوا ولا حق يقال
أين كنتم و نساء وشيوخ تضار؟
وكم انتهكت أعراض ودم سال !
وهدمت مبان وحضارة وآثار !
ومساجد و مدارس و محال!
صمت الكل ولم يتخذ أي قرار
و طاغية جاسم و لم يبال
فهذا شيخ ودع أهله و الجار
وهذه أم ثكلى تنعي رجال !
و تشقى لترعى أحفادا صغار
وفي غياهب أسر قبع أطفال
وكذا أمهات و حرائر كالأقمار
عار لبشرية من خزلان وإذلال
ليروا الظلم لبشر واحتقار
وانعدام لرحمة و حقد وأغلال
والآن رفع علم الحق و صار
كبر الطفل و صار من الأبطال
أنشدوا الحب لوطن الأحرار
والأمل فالزمن تغير لامحال
والله غالب على أمره وجبار
Here is my poem
The child has matured
The child has matured and has now become a fantasy
They are the people of the city and the owners of the houses
They are the masters despite the nose of error
They are the people of the Levant, they are the good
They have prepared men for the brigade
So they deserved good after the defeat
You who spread rumors without men
Where were you when the children were displaced?
Indeed, they were killed and imprisoned, and no right was said
Where were you while women and old men were harmed?
And how many honors were violated and blood was shed!
And buildings, civilization, and monuments were demolished!
And mosques, schools, and shops!
Everyone was silent and did not take any decision
And the tyrant Jassim did not care
This is an old man who bid farewell to his family and neighbor
And this is a bereaved mother mourning men!
And toiling to raise young grandchildren
And in the depths of families children are crouched
And mothers and free women like the moons
A disgrace to humanity from betrayal and humiliation
To see injustice to humans and contempt
And lack of mercy and hatred and shackles
And now the flag of truth has been raised and
The child has grown up and become one of the heroes
Sing love for the homeland of the free
And hope for time will inevitably change
And God is victorious over His affair and is powerful
By the writer and poet Dr. Zain Al-Abidin Fathallah
للكاتب والشاعر الاديب د. زين العابدين فتح الله
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